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Upgrading from @kadena/client 0.x to 1.0.0

The highlights of the difference between 0.x and 1.0.0 are:

  • the expression generation is separate from transaction building. This allows for multiple statements per transaction
  • the client is it's own separate entity
  • signing is applied on a vanilla JS Object

Here are two examples of old to new rewrites

Sending a transaction 'transfer'

Old implementation

async function transaction(  sender: string,  senderPublicKey: string,  receiver: string,  amount: IPactDecimal,): Promise<void> {  const unsignedTransaction = Pact.modules.coin    .transfer(sender, receiver, amount)    .addCap('coin.GAS', senderPublicKey)    .addCap('coin.TRANSFER', senderPublicKey, sender, receiver, amount)    .setMeta({ sender }, 'testnet04');   const res = await signWithChainweaver(unsignedTransaction);   const sendRequests = => {    console.log('sending transaction', tx.code);    return tx.send(testnetChain1ApiHost);  });   const sendResponses = await Promise.all(sendRequests); function (sendResponse: SendResponse): Promise<void> {    const requestKey = (await sendRequests[0]).requestKeys[0];    await pollMain(requestKey);    console.log(`Transaction '${requestKey}' finished`);  });} async function pollMain(...requestKeys: string[]): Promise<void> {  // ... some code to poll the status of the requestKeys}
async function transaction(  sender: string,  senderPublicKey: string,  receiver: string,  amount: IPactDecimal,): Promise<void> {  const unsignedTransaction = Pact.modules.coin    .transfer(sender, receiver, amount)    .addCap('coin.GAS', senderPublicKey)    .addCap('coin.TRANSFER', senderPublicKey, sender, receiver, amount)    .setMeta({ sender }, 'testnet04');   const res = await signWithChainweaver(unsignedTransaction);   const sendRequests = => {    console.log('sending transaction', tx.code);    return tx.send(testnetChain1ApiHost);  });   const sendResponses = await Promise.all(sendRequests); function (sendResponse: SendResponse): Promise<void> {    const requestKey = (await sendRequests[0]).requestKeys[0];    await pollMain(requestKey);    console.log(`Transaction '${requestKey}' finished`);  });} async function pollMain(...requestKeys: string[]): Promise<void> {  // ... some code to poll the status of the requestKeys}

New implementation

const NETWORK_ID: string = 'testnet04'; async function transfer(  sender: string,  senderPublicKey: string,  receiver: string,  amount: IPactDecimal,): Promise<void> {  const transaction = Pact.builder    .execution(      // pact expression      Pact.modules.coin.transfer(sender, receiver, amount),    )    // add signers    .addSigner(senderPublicKey, (withCapability) => [      // add capabilities      withCapability('coin.GAS'),      withCapability('coin.TRANSFER', sender, receiver, amount),    ])    // set chainId and sender    .setMeta({ chainId: '0', sender })    .setNetworkId(NETWORK_ID)    // will create a IUnsignedTransaction { cmd, hash, sigs }    .createTransaction();   const signedTx = await signWithChainweaver(transaction);   // create generic client  const client = createClient(apiHostGenerator);   // check if all necessary signatures are added  if (isSignedTransaction(signedTx)) {    const transactionDescriptor = await client.submit(signedTx);    const response = await client.listen(transactionDescriptor, {});    if (response.result.status === 'failure') {      throw response.result.error;    } else {      console.log(response.result);    }  }} transfer(senderAccount, senderPublicKey, receiverAccount, {  decimal: '13.37',}).catch(console.error);
const NETWORK_ID: string = 'testnet04'; async function transfer(  sender: string,  senderPublicKey: string,  receiver: string,  amount: IPactDecimal,): Promise<void> {  const transaction = Pact.builder    .execution(      // pact expression      Pact.modules.coin.transfer(sender, receiver, amount),    )    // add signers    .addSigner(senderPublicKey, (withCapability) => [      // add capabilities      withCapability('coin.GAS'),      withCapability('coin.TRANSFER', sender, receiver, amount),    ])    // set chainId and sender    .setMeta({ chainId: '0', sender })    .setNetworkId(NETWORK_ID)    // will create a IUnsignedTransaction { cmd, hash, sigs }    .createTransaction();   const signedTx = await signWithChainweaver(transaction);   // create generic client  const client = createClient(apiHostGenerator);   // check if all necessary signatures are added  if (isSignedTransaction(signedTx)) {    const transactionDescriptor = await client.submit(signedTx);    const response = await client.listen(transactionDescriptor, {});    if (response.result.status === 'failure') {      throw response.result.error;    } else {      console.log(response.result);    }  }} transfer(senderAccount, senderPublicKey, receiverAccount, {  decimal: '13.37',}).catch(console.error);

Read from the blockchain 'getBalance'

Old implementation

async function getBalance(account: string): Promise<void> {  // generation of transaction and expression as one, and the client is part of the transaction  const res = await Pact.modules.coin['get-balance'](account).local(    '',  );  console.log(res);} const myAccount: string =  'k:554754f48b16df24b552f6832dda090642ed9658559fef9f3ee1bb4637ea7c94'; getBalance(myAccount).catch(console.error);
async function getBalance(account: string): Promise<void> {  // generation of transaction and expression as one, and the client is part of the transaction  const res = await Pact.modules.coin['get-balance'](account).local(    '',  );  console.log(res);} const myAccount: string =  'k:554754f48b16df24b552f6832dda090642ed9658559fef9f3ee1bb4637ea7c94'; getBalance(myAccount).catch(console.error);

New implementation:

async function getBalance(account: string): Promise<void> {  // `Pact.builder.execution` accepts a number of `Pact.modules.<module>.<fun>` calls  const transaction = Pact.builder    .execution(Pact.modules.coin['get-balance'](account))    .setMeta({ chainId: '1' })    .createTransaction();   // client creation is separate from the transaction builder  const staticClient = createClient('');  const genericClient = createClient(    ({ networkId, chainId }) =>      `http://${networkId}${chainId}/pact`,  );   const res = await staticClient.local(transaction, {    preflight: false,    signatureVerification: false,  });   console.log(res);} getBalance(account).catch(console.error);
async function getBalance(account: string): Promise<void> {  // `Pact.builder.execution` accepts a number of `Pact.modules.<module>.<fun>` calls  const transaction = Pact.builder    .execution(Pact.modules.coin['get-balance'](account))    .setMeta({ chainId: '1' })    .createTransaction();   // client creation is separate from the transaction builder  const staticClient = createClient('');  const genericClient = createClient(    ({ networkId, chainId }) =>      `http://${networkId}${chainId}/pact`,  );   const res = await staticClient.local(transaction, {    preflight: false,    signatureVerification: false,  });   console.log(res);} getBalance(account).catch(console.error);

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